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Everything You Need to Know About How to Propose to Your Partner

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Table of Contents

  1. Proposal Ideas

  2. Choosing the Perfect Engagement Ring

  3. How to Find Your Partners Ring Size

  4. Proposal Speech Examples

  5. Engagement Proposal Etiquette

  6. How to Ask for Permission from Friends and Family

  7. Hiring a Proposal Photographer or Videographer

  8. How To Propose Tips For An Introvert or Extrovert

  9. Real Life Examples of Proposals

  10. Proposal Checklist

  11. Next Steps After Your Partner Says “Yes!”

  12. More Engagement Resources

    • 10 Best Places to Propose in Colorado

    • How to Prepare For Engagement Photos

So, you've found "the one" and you're ready to take the plunge into forever. Congratulations! Now comes the supposedly easy part: proposing. Piece of cake, right? You just find a ring, maybe ask the family for their blessing, plan the perfect surprise, and then execute it flawlessly. No pressure at all, right?

Except, it's not that simple. In reality, proposing can be incredibly intimidating. It's like preparing for the ultimate performance mixed with a touch of stage fright.

Suddenly, you find yourself sweating bullets, unsure which knee to kneel on, or even which finger the ring goes on.

It's a whirlwind of nerves, excitement, and the occasional existential crisis.

But fear not! In this guide, we'll navigate the murky waters of proposing with clarity, confidence, and a touch of humor. Let's dive in and turn this intimidating task into a memorable adventure. Because hey, if you're going to commit to a lifetime together, you might as well start on the right foot, right?

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Proposal Ideas

Here are some different proposal ideas to consider:

1. Scenic Outdoor Proposal

If you and your partner love the outdoors, consider a scenic proposal in a beautiful natural setting. Whether it's on a beach at sunset, in a national park with breathtaking views, or on a hike to a secluded spot, you can’t go wrong with a stunning backdrop for a memorable proposal.

2. Romantic Dinner Proposal

A classic choice for proposing is during a romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant or at home. You can plan a special menu, light candles, and have their favorite music playing in the background. This option is perfect if your partner enjoys intimate and cozy settings. Just keep in mind whether your partner wants something public or not if you do it at a restaurant!

3. Surprise Party Proposal

If your partner loves being surrounded by friends and family, a surprise party proposal could be the way to go. You can plan a party where friends and family are waiting to celebrate with you both after the proposal.

4. Destination Proposal

If you both love to travel, a destination proposal could be the perfect choice. You can propose during a romantic getaway or vacation, exploring a new city or country together. This option allows you to create lasting memories in a new and exciting place.

5. Home Sweet Home Proposal

For a more intimate and personal proposal, you can propose at home. You can cook their favorite meal, create a scavenger hunt with clues around the house leading to the ring, or propose in a spot that holds special meaning to both of you.

6. Adventure Proposal

If you both enjoy adrenaline-pumping activities, you can propose during an adventure together. This could be skydiving, hot air ballooning, scuba diving, or any other exciting activity that you both love. Just make sure the ring is secure!

7. Public Proposal

Personally, I would die BUT if your partner enjoys being the center of attention and doesn't mind public displays of affection, a public proposal could be a great choice. This could be at a sporting event, on a jumbotron, at a concert, or any other public place that is meaningful to your relationship.

8. Virtual Proposal

In today's digital age, a virtual proposal can be just as meaningful. You can plan a video call or a virtual date and propose over video chat. This option allows you to include friends and family who may not be able to be there in person.

9. Proposal with Pets

If you both love animals, you can include your pets in the proposal. You can attach the ring to your pet's collar, have your pet deliver a message, or propose during a walk with your furry friend.

10. Creative Proposal

Think outside the box and come up with a proposal that is unique to your relationship. This could be recreating your first date, proposing with a customized puzzle or board game, or like one of my couples did, proposing with a personalized song or poem!

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Choosing the perfect engagement ring

1. Know Their Style

Pay attention to the type of jewelry your partner wears. Are they into vintage styles, modern designs, or something more classic? Take cues from their wardrobe and current jewelry collection to get an idea of their preferences.

2. Consider the 4 Cs

When choosing a diamond ring, consider the 4 Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. These factors determine a diamond's quality and price. You can also consider alternative gemstones if diamonds aren't your partner's style.

3. Set a Budget

Engagement rings come in a wide range of prices. Set a budget that you're comfortable with and stick to it. Remember, the sentiment behind the ring is what matters most.

4. Research Ring Size

If you're unsure of their ring size, discreetly borrow a ring they wear on their ring finger and have it sized by a jeweler. Alternatively, you can enlist a friend or family member for help.

5. Personalize It

Consider customizing the ring to make it even more special. You can engrave a personal message, choose a unique setting, or select a ring that matches your partner's personality and style.

6. Shop Together (If Preferred)

Some couples prefer to shop for the ring together after the proposal. This ensures that your partner gets exactly what they want and can be a memorable experience in itself.

7. Buy from a Reputable Jeweler

Whether you're buying online or in-store, make sure to purchase from a reputable jeweler with positive reviews and certifications. And it’s always best to shop small businesses!

8. Insurance

Once you have the ring, consider getting it insured to protect your investment.

Choosing an engagement ring is a big decision, but with careful thought and consideration, you can find a ring that symbolizes your commitment and love. Remember, the most important thing is the love and thought you put into the proposal, not the size or cost of the ring.

For more information on engagement and wedding rings - check out this guide on the best custom and hand made engagement rings in Denver, Colorado!

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How to find your partner’s ring size

Finding your partner's ring size can be tricky, especially if you want to keep the proposal a surprise. Here are some creative ways to discover their ring size:

1. Borrow a Ring

If your partner already wears a ring on their ring finger, you can borrow it for a day or two. Make sure it's a ring they wear on the correct finger and not on a different hand or finger.

2. Trace a Ring

Place their ring on a piece of paper and trace the inner circle. A jeweler can use this measurement to help you find their ring size.

3. Ask Their Friends or Family

Friends or family members may know your partner's ring size. They may have discussed it in passing, especially if they have been talking about getting engaged.

4. Use a Ring Sizer

A ring sizer is a handy tool that you can discreetly use to measure your partner's ring size. You can find ring sizers online or at jewelry stores. Simply slip the ring sizer onto their finger while they're sleeping or otherwise occupied, and then note the size indicated.

5. Sneak the Ring to a Jeweler

If you manage to borrow a ring or find one your partner doesn't often wear, take it to a jeweler to be sized. This is a surefire way to find the right fit.

6. Ask Directly

If you're comfortable with it, you can always ask your partner directly. This can be done subtly or as a conversation topic, so you can determine which ring is best for your partner. You can also bring up the topic of ring sizes casually, such as by discussing a friend's recent engagement or by admiring a ring in a store window together.

7. Use a Ring Size Chart

There are online ring size charts and printouts available that can help you estimate your partner's ring size. You can compare their finger measurements to the chart to get an idea of the size you need.

8. Estimate Based on Finger Size

If you're unable to measure their ring size directly, you can estimate it based on their finger size. Keep in mind that fingers on the dominant hand are usually larger.

9. Resize Later

If you're unsure, you can always choose a standard size ring and have it resized later. Many jewelers offer resizing services, so don't stress too much about getting the size perfect.

Finding your partner's ring size can be a bit of a challenge, but with these creative methods and a little bit of stealth, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect fit. Remember, the sentiment behind the ring is what truly matters. Happy proposing!

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Proposal Speech Examples

Crafting the perfect proposal speech can be nerve-wracking, but we've got you covered with these heartfelt ideas:

1. Personal Touch

Incorporate your favorite memories and why they mean the world to you. Talk about moments that have shaped your relationship and how they've made you realize your love for your partner.

2. Keep it Light

Inject some humor to make them laugh and ease those proposal jitters. Share a joke or a lighthearted story that reflects your relationship and shows your partner how much you cherish your time together.

3. Straight from the Heart

Speak from your heart about your love and why you want to spend forever together. Express your deepest feelings and emotions, and share your dreams for the future as a couple.

4. Reflect on Your Relationship Journey

Take a moment to reflect on your journey together as a couple. Talk about how far you've come and the obstacles you've overcome together. Highlight the moments that have strengthened your bond and made you certain that you want to spend your life with your partner.

5. Express Your Excitement for the Future

Share your excitement and enthusiasm for the future you envision together. Talk about your dreams, goals, and aspirations as a couple. Express your commitment to supporting each other and building a life filled with love and happiness.

6. Mention Your Partner's Qualities You Admire

Acknowledge your partner's qualities that you admire the most. Whether it's their kindness, strength, intelligence, or sense of humor, let them know how much these qualities mean to you and why you're grateful to have them in your life.

7. Acknowledge Their Importance in Your Life

Express how important your partner is to you and how they've changed your life for the better. Let them know that they're your rock, your best friend, and your greatest love.

Crafting a proposal speech that incorporates these aspects will make the moment even more special and memorable. Remember, the most important thing is to speak from your heart and let your partner know how much they mean to you.

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Engagement Proposal Etiquette

When it comes to proposing, a little etiquette goes a long way. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:

  • Do Ask for Permission: If it's important to your partner, asking their freinds or family for their blessing can mean the world. It shows respect and consideration for their loved ones feelings. Check out the next paragraph for more info on how to “ask for permission”!

  • Don't Make it Public Without Permission: Respect your partner's wishes – some people prefer an intimate proposal. Always consider your partner's personality and preferences before making the proposal public.

  • Personalize, Personalize, Personalize: Tailor your proposal to your partner's personality and preferences. Incorporate elements that are meaningful to your relationship to make the moment special and unique.

  • Take Your Time: There's no rush – take your time planning the perfect proposal that's just right for both of you. Enjoy the process and make sure everything is well thought out.

  • Choose the Right Moment: Consider your partner's feelings and emotions. Choose a time when they're relaxed and in a good mood. Avoid proposing during a stressful or difficult time.

  • Respect Their Response: Be prepared for any response, whether it's an immediate "yes" or a need for time to think. Give your partner space to process their feelings and respect their decision.

  • Celebrate Together: After your partner says "yes," celebrate the moment together. Plan a special activity or dinner to mark the occasion and enjoy the happiness of being engaged.

Following these engagement proposal etiquette tips will help you plan a respectful and thoughtful proposal that your partner will cherish forever. Remember, the most important thing is to create a proposal that reflects your love and commitment to each other.

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How to Ask for Permission to Marry

I’m super untraditional but I still love the idea of my partner asking my father for my hand in marriage. I know it’s sexist but I’ve chosen to look at it as a moment for two incredibly important people in my life to come together. And when it comes to asking for permission to marry, a little thoughtfulness and respect can make a world of difference. Here's how to do it in a way that honors your partner and their loved ones:

1. Consider Their Wishes

Before popping the question, it's important to know where your partner stands on the whole "asking for permission" thing. Some families or loved ones really value this tradition, while others might not. Make sure you're tuned in to your partner's feelings and wishes.

2. Choose the Right Moment

Pick a time when you can have a heart-to-heart with your partner's family or loved ones. You want everyone to be relaxed and open to having a meaningful chat.

3. Express Your Intentions

Be real and share your deep love and commitment to their son, daughter, or cherished one. Talk about why you want to marry them and all the amazing plans you have for your future together.

4. Listen and Be Respectful

Take in everything they say, whether they're all in or have a few concerns. It's their way of showing they care. Be open to their advice and guidance – they've been around the block a few times.

5. Offer a Symbol of Your Love and Respect

A little gesture can go a long way. Consider bringing a small gift, like their favorite flowers or a nice bottle of wine, to show your appreciation and respect for their family or loved ones.

6. Be Prepared for Any Response

They might be over the moon or need a little time to think it over. Either way, give them the space to sort through their feelings and come to their decision.

7. Thank Them

Let them know how much it means to you to be welcomed into their family or circle of loved ones. Thank them for raising such an incredible person who means the world to you.

8. Celebrate Together

After you get the green light, celebrate the moment together! Whether it's a nice meal, a gathering with friends, or just some quiet time together, mark this special step on your journey.

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Hiring a Proposal Photographer/Videographer

Trust me – you'll want to capture this moment! Here's why hiring a photographer or videographer is a must:

Capture the Magic: Freeze that look of love and happiness forever with stunning photos or a video.

You know that moment when your partner's face lights up with surprise and joy? Yeah, that's the kind of magic you'll want to freeze in time. A photographer or videographer can capture every smile, every tear, and every priceless reaction, so you can relive this special moment again and again.

Share the Joy: Share the proposal photos and video with loved ones who couldn't be there to witness the magic.

Not everyone can be there in person to witness your epic proposal, but that doesn't mean they have to miss out on the joy. Share your stunning proposal photos and heartwarming video with friends and family near and far. Trust us, seeing those happy tears and beaming smiles will make their day – maybe even their year!

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Engagement Proposal Tips for Introverts/Extraverts

No two proposals are alike – here's how to plan a proposal that's as unique as your partner:

Introverts: Keep it private with a quiet, intimate moment just for the two of you.

If your partner leans towards introversion, they might appreciate a proposal that's low-key and private. Consider a cozy evening at home, a secluded spot in nature, or a quiet corner of a favorite café. Keep the focus on your love and the moment you share together.

Extraverts: Go big with a surprise proposal surrounded by friends and family who love and support you.

For the extraverts out there, why not make your proposal a celebration? Plan a surprise gathering with all your loved ones present. You could pop the question during a party, at a family dinner, or even in a public place that holds special meaning to both of you.

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Real Engagement Proposal Stories + Photos

Need a little inspiration? Here are some real-life stories to get you excited for your own proposal:

A Sunrise Snowshoe Hiking Proposal

You and your partner plan a sunrise snowshoe hike, eager to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of a snowy morning. As you ascend to a quiet spot with a breathtaking view of the snow-covered landscape, the first rays of the morning sun begin to paint the sky in shades of pink and gold. Little does your partner know, you’ve been planning a surprise that will change your lives forever.

Surprise Photoshoot At a Waterfall Proposal

Imagine this: your partner reaches out to me and we consipire to get you two to come out for a “model call”. You suggest a beautiful spot in front of a stunning waterfall, and their partner happily agrees, thinking it's just another day of doing a favor so a photographer can practice new poses or create some content in a new place. As you strike a pose, your partner suddenly drops to one knee, pulls out a ring, and asks you to marry them. Whabam.

The Winery Proposal

You and your partner are enjoying a romantic day at a beautiful winery. The sun is shining, the wine is flowing, and you're both relaxed and happy. As you stroll through the vineyards, you find a quiet spot with a breathtaking view…and get to celebrate with more wine right after.

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Proposal Checklist

Pulling off the perfect proposal takes planning! Here's your checklist to ensure everything goes off without a hitch:

  • Choose the Perfect Spot: Whether it's a candlelit dinner or a romantic getaway, pick a location that's meaningful to both of you.

  • Time it Right: Consider your partner's schedule and make sure you have enough time to savor the moment.

  • Ring Check: Don't forget to pick up that sparkly symbol of your love.

  • Practice Your Speech: Practice makes perfect – rehearse what you want to say to avoid any proposal jitters.

  • Capture the Moment: Hire a photographer or enlist a friend to capture the look of surprise and joy on your partner's face.

  • Prepare for the Unexpected: Plan for any unexpected scenarios, like bad weather or unforeseen delays.

  • Personal Touch: Add a personal touch, like incorporating inside jokes or shared memories into your proposal.

  • Celebrate Together: Plan a special activity or dinner to celebrate your engagement right after the proposal.

  • Announce Your Engagement: Share your joy with family and friends, whether in person, over the phone, or through social media.

  • Enjoy the Moment: Most importantly, relax and enjoy the moment with your partner. This is a memory you'll both cherish forever.

Following this proposal checklist will help you plan a memorable and meaningful proposal that your partner will cherish forever. Remember, the most important thing is to create a moment that reflects your love and commitment to each other.

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Next Steps After the Proposal

Congratulations! Your partner said "yes" to your heartfelt proposal. Now, here's what to do next:

1. Celebrate Together

Take a moment to celebrate this special occasion together. Whether it's with a toast of champagne, a romantic dinner, or simply cuddling on the couch, cherish the moment and enjoy the happiness of being engaged.

2. Share the News

Share your joyous news with family and friends. Whether you make a few phone calls, send out a message, or post a photo on social media, let your loved ones know about your engagement and share in your excitement.

3. Plan Your Engagement Ring Resizing (If Needed)

If the ring doesn't fit perfectly, don't worry! Contact the jeweler and schedule a resizing. Many jewelers offer resizing services, and they will be happy to help ensure the ring fits comfortably.

4. Discuss Wedding Plans

Start discussing your future together. This includes talking about your wedding plans, whether it's a large celebration, an intimate gathering, or just the two of you. Begin outlining your vision for the big day and how you want to celebrate your love and relationship.

5. Enjoy Being Engaged

Take some time to savor the moment of being engaged. This is a special time in your relationship, so enjoy the journey of planning your future together!

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10 Best Places to Propose in Colorado

This resource offers detailed insights into stunning locations across the state, perfect for creating unforgettable proposal moments. Whether you're looking for a scenic mountain vista, a tranquil lake setting, or a charming urban spot, this guide provides inspiration to help you plan a memorable and romantic proposal in the beautiful landscapes of Colorado.

How to Prepare for Engagement Photos

This resource covers everything from choosing the right outfits and locations to tips on posing and feeling natural in front of the camera. Whether you're aiming for a casual, outdoor shoot or a formal, studio session, this guide offers practical advice to ensure your engagement photos capture your love story beautifully.


Whether you're drawn to rustic elegance, contemporary styles, or sustainable materials, these local Colorado jewelers have something special to offer. From family-owned businesses with a legacy of excellence to boutique shops known for their personalized service, you'll discover the ideal ring that tells your unique love story.

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